Tuesday 20 October 2015


The email, which is short for electronic mail, is an information and technology tool which seeks to use technology to communicate or transfer information/digital message from the encoder to the decoder over a wireless network (e.g. internet). Following the advent of the electronic system of communication and message transfer, which aims at bringing to a sudden halt to all the logistics involved in the delivery of mails and goods by the post masters, the electronic mail which is the first ‘e-revolution’ in the business communication is simple to understand and use, as it, like postal mail solves both the problems of communication, synchronization and logistics. The electronic mail constitutes of three different parts, the envelope, the message header and the message body; where the header refers the part that bears the recipient email address, usually descriptive information is required, such as subject header field and message submission date/time stamp. There are many software platforms available to send and receive an email. Popular email platforms include Google mail (Gmail), yahoo mail, outlook, hotmail and many others.
This advancement in technology has over the past few years been tremendous; it is this horrendous nature of spread that qualifies it to be the choicest means of communication the world over. The electronic mail is perceived from a single perspective leaving in the dark all its other function. The electronic mail having been a modified memo tool can be used as a reminder, a calendar as well as store up important conversation. In the past two decades, email has caught up with the telephone as an everyday medium of communication, both in business and personal life.  It was found that a large percentage of adults in the U.S check their mails much more than they surf the net or even check their Facebook account, making emails the most popular activity for users to do on their smart phones. More than any other activities we indulge in, communication ranks top of the list. Meeting new people, keeping in touch with old and new friends has given rise to diverse medium of communication.
In the African context, the relevance of effective communication is just as it is with the rest of the world. The traditional mediums of communication have been challenged by 21st century trends thus making the use of the electronic mail more superior to all other advanced mediums. Faxing letters did not gain as much popularity as short messaging service (SMS), or even the telephoning system. The use of email just synchronized with the demands of the African people; hence the ease of adoption. The rate at which it was accepted, recorded a high shift in the response to new technology. With each organization creating an email address to individuals owning a private mail address. Only the effective use of the internet is a bit on the high in certain African countries. The cost of internet in African countries burdens the efficient use of the electronic mail. In spite of all of the hiked internet prices, the use of the email has generally not been impaired. The development of smart phones has tipped the scale towards the consistent use of mails. This development further enhanced the accessibility of the electronic mails from the convenience of our homes, offices – ubiquity.
Amazingly, hitherto in Nigeria, many are yet to create an email address of their own. Thus pointing out that the electronic mail is yet to permeate the area. Yet, the few who have it are yet to tap into the overall germane of the electronic mail as a grave medium of communication. When an email is sent, there are high expectations from the sender to receive a reply. There are but a few reasons as to why an email can be responded to: prior to sending the mail, a relationship existed between the sender and the recipient, a bulk email that carries vital information. Otherwise, the major reasons why mails are not responded to by the recipient revolves around interest. Presentation of our message matters here, although it is a general rule of thumb that, in the absence of a mail machine, organizations as well as individuals should check there mail box at intervals. Some of the ways to send an email that bequeaths a need for a response depends on the sender even though Sending emails requires a certain degree of caution, the internet is a vast area of harnessed and unharnessed space, and whatever you send out there may never be retrievable.
1. A lot of email users in Nigeria do not use the ‘subject line’ or do not know to how to use it. The subject line space has to be filled, it is here that the general idea of the email dwell; giving the recipient a hint of what is contained in the email.
2. Using capital letter while sending a mail, will most often than not come across as an angry tone. Using capital or block letter in writing a mail reduces the readability of the mail alongside wrong punctuations and vulgar languages, some email platforms have firewalls setup to check and block vulgar. If they pass, which they seldom do, emails of this sort are barely returned.
3. So many persons use names other than their real names as their email addresses, this may affect in a downward curve the rate at which mails are replied, it is always safer to create signatures where your name and functions of your organization are represented in black and white.
4. While forwarding an email, it is best to check what is written below the last email, there may be unwanted or undesired content, this may lead to embarrassment when sent.
5. Using the ‘carbon copy’ (CC) may be very important and also detrimental, check before using this. People receive mails every day; it will not be nice to send mails to persons who have no connection to the message, especially in a work place setting. It is better to use the ‘Blind carbon copy’ (BCC), this may help protect your image as many people would pick offence in your actions of displaying their email addresses.


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